prevent users from accidentally overwriting each other's changes.
Optimistic concurrency control relies on object versions to detect
conflicting transactions.
Passing Environment Variables to External Applications
You can use a URL to pass environment variables, such as content locale,
to external applications. For example, if a user clicks a link that drills
through to an external application, the content locale environment
variable can be passed through the URL so that the language the user sees
in the report is the same as the language the user sees in the application.
The mandatory building blocks for a URL that passes environment variables
to an external application are as follows:, parameters required to pass the
values of the environment variables
&c_cmd=<command>, to specify the URL-encoded application command to be
This URL can include application variables, other than environment
variables, to pass to the external application.
&c_env=<variables.xml>, to specify the location of the XML file that
identifies the environmental variables to be passed.
This file must be located under the templates folder in templates/ps.
&c_mode=<get_or_post>, to specify whether to use the get or post request
method when calling the external application.
When you use the post request method, the HTML page created is UTF-8
encoded. When you use the get request method, the values of the variables
are UTF-8 encoded.
After you create your extended applications, you register them in the
applications index and then deploy the Cognos Extended Applications
portlet to your portal. In addition to the .jar files required to run a
Cognos 8 SDK application, the Cognos Extended Applications portlet must be
deployed with the following files:
The Java standard tag library (JSTL) files jstl.jar and standard.jar. By
default, these files are installed in the
installation_location/Cognos/c8/webapps/samples/WEB-INF/lib directory.
The CPS tag library file cps-sdk-jsptags.jar. By default, this file is
installed in the
installation_location/Cognos/c8/webapps/samples/WEB-INF/lib directory.
The CPS tag library descriptor file cps.tld. By default, this file is
installed in the
installation_location/Cognos/c8/webapps/samples/WEB-INF/tld directory.