Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Avoid warning when access remote server via ssh with multiple accounts on one client.

If you put all the public key of local client on the server, and then you connect it via ssh, it will promote a warning.
Warning: the RSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP address 'x.x.x.x'.

This happened because the ssh server check the key according to the IP address, and since we have multiple account on local client,The server will recored different RSA key from a unique IP,It will result in conflict.

It could be solved by setting the option,
check out ssh_option(5)
e.g sudo -u super_a ssh -o checkhostip="no" username@remote_host 'echo "hi"'.

Friday, April 23, 2010

study notes

umask value
if the previous default permission for file is XXX,set the default permission to XXX &~ $value
perl Number 
$n = 1234; # decimal integer
$n = 0b1110011; # binary integer
$n = 01234; # octal integer
$n = 0x1234; # hexadecimal integer
$n = 12.34e-56; # exponential notation
$n = "-12.34e56"; # number specified as a string
$n = "1234"; # number specified as a string

use taglist to improve vim
1 download Exuberant ctags extract it, add the dir to PATH.
2 download taglist plugin extract it to ~/.vim/
3 restart vim,run :TlistOpen in vim
4 done 
you may want to read

example of vim setting 

set nobackup
set nu
set tabstop=4 " numbers of spaces of tab character
set shiftwidth=4 " numbers of spaces to (auto)indent
set ignorecase " ignore case when searching
behave mswin

let Tlist_Sort_Type = 1 "list the tag by name alphabetic
let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen =1 "jump on one click
let Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag=1 "Automatically highlight the current tag in the taglist.
let Tlist_Auto_Update =1 "Automatically update the taglist to include newly edited files.
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow =1 "Close Vim if the taglist is the only window.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

cygwin set display languge

export LANG='C.UTF-8'
to set the language to English.
export LANG='zh-CN'
to set the language to Chinese .

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

study note

Perl sort a hash
1 sort by key
foreach $key (sort (keys(%hash_name))) {
  print "\t\t$key \t\t$hash_name{$key}\n";
2 sort by $value 
make use of perl sort
 foreach my $key ( sort { $rules{$a} <=> $rules{$b} } ( keys %hash_name ))
  print "$key => $hash_name{$key}\n";
if you want get the set sorted numeric and desc
switch $a and $b e.g

 foreach my $key ( sort { $rules{$b} <=> $rules{$a} } ( keys %hash_name ))
print "$key => $hash_name{$key}\n";

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

study notes

getopts for perl?
check out
my %options=();
getopts("a",\%options) or usage();

addrule() if defined $options{"a"};
#print `grep "^# VERSION" ./`;

perl --help
perl --version
perl -a

MD5 for perl

use Digest::MD5;

$ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
$digest = $ctx->digest;
$digest = $ctx->hexdigest;
$digest = $ctx->b64digest;

Thursday, April 08, 2010

gvim set nobackup

do not generate filename~ file.
try Edit->start setting-> add "set nobackup " under source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim

study note

1 To change the owner of the file program.c:

chown jim program.c

The user access permissions for program.c now apply to jim. As the owner, jim can use the chmod command to permit or deny
other users access to program.c.


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