umask value
if the previous default permission for file is XXX,set the default permission to XXX &~ $value
perl Number
perl Number
$n = 1234; # decimal integer
$n = 0b1110011; # binary integer
$n = 01234; # octal integer
$n = 0x1234; # hexadecimal integer
$n = 12.34e-56; # exponential notation
$n = "-12.34e56"; # number specified as a string
$n = "1234"; # number specified as a string
$n = 0b1110011; # binary integer
$n = 01234; # octal integer
$n = 0x1234; # hexadecimal integer
$n = 12.34e-56; # exponential notation
$n = "-12.34e56"; # number specified as a string
$n = "1234"; # number specified as a string
use taglist to improve vim
1 download Exuberant ctags extract it, add the dir to PATH.
2 download taglist plugin extract it to ~/.vim/
3 restart vim,run :TlistOpen in vim
4 done
you may want to read
example of vim setting
set nobackup
set nu
set tabstop=4 " numbers of spaces of tab character
set shiftwidth=4 " numbers of spaces to (auto)indent
set ignorecase " ignore case when searching
behave mswin
let Tlist_Sort_Type = 1 "list the tag by name alphabetic
let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen =1 "jump on one click
let Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag=1 "Automatically highlight the current tag in the taglist.
let Tlist_Auto_Update =1 "Automatically update the taglist to include newly edited files.
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow =1 "Close Vim if the taglist is the only window.
set nu
set tabstop=4 " numbers of spaces of tab character
set shiftwidth=4 " numbers of spaces to (auto)indent
set ignorecase " ignore case when searching
behave mswin
let Tlist_Sort_Type = 1 "list the tag by name alphabetic
let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen =1 "jump on one click
let Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag=1 "Automatically highlight the current tag in the taglist.
let Tlist_Auto_Update =1 "Automatically update the taglist to include newly edited files.
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow =1 "Close Vim if the taglist is the only window.
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