Wednesday, December 23, 2009



• Data profiling (1)
• Change data capture (2)
• Extract system (3)
Clean and Conform
There are five major services in the cleaning and conforming step:
• Data cleansing system (4)
• Error event tracking (5)
• Audit dimension creation (6)
• Deduplicating (7)
• Conforming (8)

The delivery subsystems in the ETL back room consist of:
• Slowly changing dimension (SCD) manager (9)
• Surrogate key generator (10)
• Hierarchy manager (11)
• Special dimensions manager (12)
• Fact table builders (13)
• Surrogate key pipeline (14)
• Multi-valued bridge table builder (15)
• Late arriving data handler (16)
• Dimension manager system (17)
• Fact table provider system (18)
• Aggregate builder (19)
• OLAP cube builder (20)
• Data propagation manager (21)

19 and 20 could be done in cognos
ETL Management Services

• Job scheduler (22)
• Backup system (23)
• Recovery and restart (24)
• Version control (25)
• Version migration (26)
• Workflow monitor (27)
• Sorting (28)
• Lineage and dependency (29)
• Problem escalation (30)
• Paralleling and pipelining (31)
• Compliance manager (32)
• Security (33)
• Metadata repository (34)

?ETL operations statistics including start times, end times, CPU seconds used,
disk reads, disk writes, and row counts.
?Audit results including checksums and other measures of quality and
?Quality screen results describing the error conditions, frequencies of
occurrence, and ETL system actions taken (if any) for all quality screening


• System inventory including version numbers describing all the software
required to assemble the complete ETL system.
• Source descriptions of all data sources, including record layouts, column
definitions, and business rules.
• Source access methods including rights, privileges, and legal limitations.
• ETL data store specifications and DDL scripts for all ETL tables, including
normalized schemas, dimensional schemas, aggregates, stand-alone relational
tables, persistent XML files, and flat files.
• ETL data store policies and procedures including retention, backup, archive,
recovery, ownership, and security settings.
• ETL job logic, extract and transforms including all data flow logic
embedded in the ETL tools, as well as the sources for all scripts and code
modules. These data flows define lineage and dependency relationships.
• Exception handling logic to determine what happens when a data quality
screen detects an error.
• Processing schedules that control ETL job sequencing and dependencies.
• Current maximum surrogate key values for all dimensions.
• Batch parameters that identify the current active source and target tables for
all ETL jobs.

Data quality screen specifications including the code for data quality tests,
severity score of the potential error, and action to be taken when the error
• Data dictionary describing the business content of all columns and tables
across the data warehouse.
• Logical data map showing the overall data flow from source tables and fields
through the ETL system to target tables and columns.
• Business rule logic describing all business rules that are either explicitly
checked or implemented in the data warehouse, including slowly changing
dimension policies and null handling.

We call this usage based optimization

The solution for huge dataset
Typical adjustments include partitioning the
warehouse onto multiple servers, either vertically, horizontally, or both. Vertical
partitioning means breaking up the components of the presentation server architecture
into separate platforms, typically running on separate servers. In this case you could
have a server for the atomic level data, a server for the aggregate data (which may
also include atomic level data for performance reasons), and a server for aggregate
management and navigation. Often this last server has its own caching capabilities,
acting as an additional data layer. You may also have separate servers for background
ETL processing.
Horizontal partitioning means distributing the load based on datasets. In this case,
you may have separate presentation servers (or sets of vertically partitioned servers)
dedicated to hosting specific business process dimensional models. For example, you
may put your two largest datasets on two separate servers, each of which holds atomic
level and aggregate data. You will need functionality somewhere between the user
and data to support analyses that query data from both business processes.

Presentation Server Metadata
• Database monitoring system tables containing information about the use of
tables throughout the presentation server.
• Aggregate usage statistics including OLAP usage.
• Database system tables containing standard RDBMS table, column, view,
index, and security information.
• Partition settings including partition definitions and logic for managing them
over time.
• Stored procedures and SQL scripts for creating partitions, indexes, and
aggregates, as well as security management.
• Aggregate definitions containing the definitions of system entities such as
materialized views, as well as other information necessary for the query rewrite
facility of the aggregate navigator.
• OLAP system definitions containing system information specific to OLAP
• Target data policies and procedures including retention, backup, archive,
recovery, ownership, and security settings.

The most important BI application types include the following:

• Direct access queries: the classic ad hoc requests initiated by business users
from desktop query tool applications.
• Standard reports: regularly scheduled reports typically delivered via the BI
portal or as spreadsheets or PDFs to an online library.
• Analytic applications: applications containing powerful analysis algorithms
in addition to normal database queries. Pre-built analytic applications
packages include budgeting, forecasting, and business activity monitoring
• Dashboards and scorecards: multi-subject user interfaces showing key
performance indicators (KPIs) textually and graphically.
• Data mining and models: exploratory analysis of large "observation sets"
usually downloaded from the data warehouse to data mining software. Data
mining is also used to create the underlying models used by some analytic and
operational BI applications.
• Operational BI: real time or near real time queries of operational status, often
accompanied by transaction write-back interfaces.

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