Thursday, December 31, 2009
Type 1: Overwrite the Dimension Attribute
Monday, December 28, 2009
o Business Understanding
o Project Focus
o Business Requirements
o High-Level Architecture Development
o Standards & Products
o Ongoing Refinement
o CRM (Campaign Management & Target Marketing)
o lSales Forecasting
o Inventory Planning
o Sales Performance
o Additional Business Issues
Data Quality
Common Data Elements and Business Definitions
o High Level Model
o Metadata Driven
o Flexible Services Layers
o Services and Functions
ETL Services
Customer Data Integration
External Demographics
Data Access Services
BI Applications (CRM/Campaign Mgmt; Forecasting)
Sales Management Dashboard
Ad Hoc Query and Standard Reporting
Metadata Maintenance
User Maintained Data System
o Data Stores
Sources and Reference Data
ETL Data Staging and Data Quality Support
Presentation Servers
Business Metadata Repository
o Infrastructure and Utilities
o Metadata Strategy
o Architecture Development Phases
o Architecture Proof of Concept
- 167 -
o Standards and Product Selection
o High Level Enterprise Bus Matrix
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
• Data profiling (1)
• Change data capture (2)
• Extract system (3)
Clean and Conform
There are five major services in the cleaning and conforming step:
• Data cleansing system (4)
• Error event tracking (5)
• Audit dimension creation (6)
• Deduplicating (7)
• Conforming (8)
The delivery subsystems in the ETL back room consist of:
• Slowly changing dimension (SCD) manager (9)
• Surrogate key generator (10)
• Hierarchy manager (11)
• Special dimensions manager (12)
• Fact table builders (13)
• Surrogate key pipeline (14)
• Multi-valued bridge table builder (15)
• Late arriving data handler (16)
• Dimension manager system (17)
• Fact table provider system (18)
• Aggregate builder (19)
• OLAP cube builder (20)
• Data propagation manager (21)
ETL Management Services
• Job scheduler (22)
• Backup system (23)
• Recovery and restart (24)
• Version control (25)
• Version migration (26)
• Workflow monitor (27)
• Sorting (28)
• Lineage and dependency (29)
• Problem escalation (30)
• Paralleling and pipelining (31)
• Compliance manager (32)
• Security (33)
• Metadata repository (34)
?ETL operations statistics including start times, end times, CPU seconds used,
disk reads, disk writes, and row counts.
?Audit results including checksums and other measures of quality and
?Quality screen results describing the error conditions, frequencies of
occurrence, and ETL system actions taken (if any) for all quality screening
• System inventory including version numbers describing all the software
required to assemble the complete ETL system.
• Source descriptions of all data sources, including record layouts, column
definitions, and business rules.
• Source access methods including rights, privileges, and legal limitations.
• ETL data store specifications and DDL scripts for all ETL tables, including
normalized schemas, dimensional schemas, aggregates, stand-alone relational
tables, persistent XML files, and flat files.
• ETL data store policies and procedures including retention, backup, archive,
recovery, ownership, and security settings.
• ETL job logic, extract and transforms including all data flow logic
embedded in the ETL tools, as well as the sources for all scripts and code
modules. These data flows define lineage and dependency relationships.
• Exception handling logic to determine what happens when a data quality
screen detects an error.
• Processing schedules that control ETL job sequencing and dependencies.
• Current maximum surrogate key values for all dimensions.
• Batch parameters that identify the current active source and target tables for
all ETL jobs.
• Data quality screen specifications including the code for data quality tests,
severity score of the potential error, and action to be taken when the error
• Data dictionary describing the business content of all columns and tables
across the data warehouse.
• Logical data map showing the overall data flow from source tables and fields
through the ETL system to target tables and columns.
• Business rule logic describing all business rules that are either explicitly
checked or implemented in the data warehouse, including slowly changing
dimension policies and null handling.
warehouse onto multiple servers, either vertically, horizontally, or both. Vertical
partitioning means breaking up the components of the presentation server architecture
into separate platforms, typically running on separate servers. In this case you could
have a server for the atomic level data, a server for the aggregate data (which may
also include atomic level data for performance reasons), and a server for aggregate
management and navigation. Often this last server has its own caching capabilities,
acting as an additional data layer. You may also have separate servers for background
ETL processing.
Horizontal partitioning means distributing the load based on datasets. In this case,
you may have separate presentation servers (or sets of vertically partitioned servers)
dedicated to hosting specific business process dimensional models. For example, you
may put your two largest datasets on two separate servers, each of which holds atomic
level and aggregate data. You will need functionality somewhere between the user
and data to support analyses that query data from both business processes.
• Database monitoring system tables containing information about the use of
tables throughout the presentation server.
• Aggregate usage statistics including OLAP usage.
• Database system tables containing standard RDBMS table, column, view,
index, and security information.
• Partition settings including partition definitions and logic for managing them
over time.
• Stored procedures and SQL scripts for creating partitions, indexes, and
aggregates, as well as security management.
• Aggregate definitions containing the definitions of system entities such as
materialized views, as well as other information necessary for the query rewrite
facility of the aggregate navigator.
• OLAP system definitions containing system information specific to OLAP
• Target data policies and procedures including retention, backup, archive,
recovery, ownership, and security settings.
• Direct access queries: the classic ad hoc requests initiated by business users
from desktop query tool applications.
• Standard reports: regularly scheduled reports typically delivered via the BI
portal or as spreadsheets or PDFs to an online library.
• Analytic applications: applications containing powerful analysis algorithms
in addition to normal database queries. Pre-built analytic applications
packages include budgeting, forecasting, and business activity monitoring
performance indicators (KPIs) textually and graphically.
• Data mining and models: exploratory analysis of large "observation sets"
usually downloaded from the data warehouse to data mining software. Data
mining is also used to create the underlying models used by some analytic and
operational BI applications.
• Operational BI: real time or near real time queries of operational status, often
accompanied by transaction write-back interfaces.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
when you get old, you will know which ones could not be friends.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
探索的动机(爱因斯坦在普朗克生日会上的讲话) : 弯曲评论(zz)探索的动机(爱因斯坦在普朗克生日会上的讲话)/
Friday, December 04, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
It describes the flow of data from the source systems to the decision makers and the transformations and data stores that data goes through along the way. It also specifies the tools, techniques, utilities, and platforms needed to make that flow happen.
Technical metadata defines the objects and processes that make up the DW/BI system from a technical perspective. This includes the system metadata that defines the data structures themselves, like tables, fields, data types, indexes, and partitions in the relational engine, and databases, dimensions, measures, and data mining models. In the ETL process, technical metadata defines the sources and targets for a particular task, the transformations (including business rules and data quality screens), and their frequency.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Note of use delete in kettle
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
To be continue.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
H1N1 continue.
so called bronchitis. Lucky but not most lucky of me .
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I believe the problem is no longer a pain to you, Wish it helps.
Monday, November 09, 2009
return on investment (ROI)
net present value (NPV) or internal rate of return (IRR)
The major roles involved in the DW/BI implementation front office, coaches, regular lineup, and special teams
influence on the rest of the team.
Some team members are assigned to the project full time; others are involved on a
part-time or sporadic basis.
Project managers need strong
organizational and leadership skills to keep everyone involved moving in the same direction.
The business analyst is responsible for leading the business requirements definition activities and then representing those requirements as the technical architecture,
This person is not responsible for inputting all the metadata, but rather is a watchdog to ensure that everyone is contributing their relevant piece,
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Note Project scope should be driven by the business's requirements.
Each early iteration of your DW/BI program should be limited in scope to
the data resulting from a single business
process.起初的时候不能简单问题复杂化.In other words, start small
Given the lengthy project timeframes associated with complex software
development projects combined with the realities of relatively high rates
of under-delivery, there's
been much interest in the rapid application development movement, often
measured in weeks. 快速开发(通常以周记)
In fact, we suggest that BI team members work in close proximity to the
business so they're readily available and responsive;
Some development teams have naturally fallen into the trap of creating
analytic or reporting solutions in a vacuum. In most of these situations,
the team worked with a small set of users to extract a limited set of
source data and make it available to solve their unique problems. The
outcome is often a stand-alone data stovepipe that can't be leveraged by
others or worse yet, delivers data that doesn't tie to the organization's
other analytic information.
project charter, the document explains the project's focus and motivating
business requirements, objectives, approach,anticipated data and target
users, involved parties and stakeholders, success criteria,assumptions and
risks. It may also be appropriate to explicitly list data and analyses
Thursday, November 05, 2009
weired way to get return value
script, try return in the command field and then return $? in the
subroutine field. as what following shows .
function isRunnable()
cat 'exe_seq_all.dat' | grep "$filename$day$" | while read line
if [ ! `grep -c " $prework " 'fin.dat' ` = 0 ]
return 0;
return 1;
return $?;
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
recover from rm *
* in the cygwin command line. all the work I've done in the afternoon is
gone, Much upset when I learn there is no 'recycle bin' in cygwin.
lucky, after some search on the net , I found this 'File Scavenger' which
help me to restore the *.sh *.dat *.pl *~ from the disk. Thank Que Tek
Monday, November 02, 2009
note from the data warehouse lifecircle toolkit
1 Strong Senior Business Management Sponsor(s)
2 Compelling Business Motivation
3 Feasibility
DW/BI systems that align with strategic business motivations and
initiatives stand a
good chance of succeeding.
In some sense, any SELECT DISTINCT investigative query on a database
field could be considered data profiling
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Isolation suitable for ETL
Dirty Read NonRepeatabe Read Phantom Read
Read uncommitted Possible Possible Possible
Read committed not possible Possible Possible
Repeatabe read not possible not possible Possible
Seriaizabe not possible not possible not possible
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
change is difficult
have exprienced the same things, though it's me that not listening. Why is
that? lack of self-confidence?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
cognos sdk dev note
the search path is like "expandMembers(CAMID(\"::System Administrators\"))"
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
cognos sdk note
name even if you dont have the permission to access that, although you
could not browse it.
The implements of the service interfaces are often ended with 'stub'.
/directory is the path of namespace .
use query(searchPath, properties, sortBy, options)
properties is the enumerator of the properties you want to get.
"execute, read, setPolicy, traverse, write" are the five permission of
NmtokenArrayProp which contain the list of the privaleges.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cognos SDK log how to set the default type of mdl to verb
use verb MDL, but first, you must add the following line to the cogtr.xml
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sunday, August 02, 2009
昨天看到lie to me 里面说更受欢迎的人在伪装和欺骗上面更有天赋,更懂得如何应付别人,可能自己就把这种应付当回事了....
另外一件值得高兴的事情是18M打电话来谈工作的事情,7.28的事情,也就上周二.但是另一方面,还没有通知我去面试,朋友说正常需要一些时间从电面到当面面试,hope it's true, 否则表示没有通过面试的人的预筛选,多么可悲啊.
如果潘同学不合租的话,意味着我要交4K. .....,我挣钱真是太少了.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
cognos sdk dev note
prevent users from accidentally overwriting each other's changes.
Optimistic concurrency control relies on object versions to detect
conflicting transactions.
Passing Environment Variables to External Applications
You can use a URL to pass environment variables, such as content locale,
to external applications. For example, if a user clicks a link that drills
through to an external application, the content locale environment
variable can be passed through the URL so that the language the user sees
in the report is the same as the language the user sees in the application.
The mandatory building blocks for a URL that passes environment variables
to an external application are as follows:, parameters required to pass the
values of the environment variables
&c_cmd=<command>, to specify the URL-encoded application command to be
This URL can include application variables, other than environment
variables, to pass to the external application.
&c_env=<variables.xml>, to specify the location of the XML file that
identifies the environmental variables to be passed.
This file must be located under the templates folder in templates/ps.
&c_mode=<get_or_post>, to specify whether to use the get or post request
method when calling the external application.
When you use the post request method, the HTML page created is UTF-8
encoded. When you use the get request method, the values of the variables
are UTF-8 encoded.
After you create your extended applications, you register them in the
applications index and then deploy the Cognos Extended Applications
portlet to your portal. In addition to the .jar files required to run a
Cognos 8 SDK application, the Cognos Extended Applications portlet must be
deployed with the following files:
The Java standard tag library (JSTL) files jstl.jar and standard.jar. By
default, these files are installed in the
installation_location/Cognos/c8/webapps/samples/WEB-INF/lib directory.
The CPS tag library file cps-sdk-jsptags.jar. By default, this file is
installed in the
installation_location/Cognos/c8/webapps/samples/WEB-INF/lib directory.
The CPS tag library descriptor file cps.tld. By default, this file is
installed in the
installation_location/Cognos/c8/webapps/samples/WEB-INF/tld directory.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
cognos sdk study note
in any text editor. The .py? file is a representation of the model, stored
in default binary format.
You can use MDL in two ways:
to create an MDL model that completely defines a Transformer model
to create an MDL script that manipulates or updates an existing
Transformer model
ach Transformer model must have at least one model object. The model may
also contain one or more of each of the following object types:
Data Source
Cognos Source (a Cognos 8 package)
Root Category
Drill Category
Custom View
Regular Category
Currency Table
Special Category
Dimension Calculation Definition
Automate CleanHouse Sample
This script uses the MDL verb CleanHouse, which is equivalent to selecting
the Clean House command on the Tools menu of the Windows interface,
followed by a date in the format YYYYMMDD. This command removes all
categories with a Last Use date less than the specified date.
Tip: To remove all categories in the model, specify a future date.
This script removes all categories in the Products dimension that have a
Last Use date prior to November 1, 2006, and saves the model.
OpenPy "model.pyj"
CleanHouse Dimension "Product" 20061101 SaveMDL "model.mdl"
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
transformer documents notes
on UNIX/Linux.
Decimal values are read into the model based on a scale that you
You apply security to an entire PowerCube or cube group by setting a
password to restrict access to authorized users.
cogtr.xml seems to be useful.
You can invoke Transformer from the command line to populate models,
create cubes, and perform other actions. How and where these actions are
performed is determined by information that you provide.
Command Line Options
Transformer can perform certain modeling and cube-building tasks from the
Windows, UNIX or Linux command line.
Note: You must invoke the command line utilities from the directory where
the Transformer executable resides. In Transformer 8.3, this is the bin
This document provides the syntax for the following routine tasks:
creating or updating cubes
updating a model with new categories created during the category
generation process
running a set of batch jobs with different preference settings or input
changing the current date setting so that relative time calculations in
batch cube creation are based on a specific date
supplying database signon information
changing the degree of detail for log file messages
opening and deleting checkpoint files
verifying and, if necessary, updating the scales used in MDL model columns
and measures to match those used in the data source
publishing cubes in Content Manager
supporting Cognos 8 prompts
opening specified .mdl files and executing MDL statements
specifying the number of records for a test cube
regenerating categories, and the measure scales used with them, without
building the cube
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Cognos sdk dev log
that contain input parameters. Some actions also have output parameters.
Actions are defined in the CR1Behaviors.xml file, available in the
<c8-location>\templates\bmt\Cr1Model directory.
Some actions do not change the state of the model in the Framework Manager
application and are not typically recorded in the action logs. An example
of actions that are not recorded are DBBrowse and Publish. There are also
some actions that are recorded but they do not change the state of the
model. An example of this type of action is DBRelease.
Modifying the Log Status of Actions
You can modify the log status of an action to determine whether or not you
want it to appear in the action logs.
Using the Framework Manager SDK
You can use the Framework Manager SDK to perform all the same metadata
modeling tasks and processes as the Framework Manager application. For
example, you can
import a data source
enhance query subjects with SQL, expressions and filters
create model query subjects to extend value of data source query subjects
create a basic package
publish a package to report authors
cognos SDK学习 手记
The Model schema validates the model.xml file, the xml representation of
the model. The Model Schema reference contains information about the
elements and attributes in the model.xml file.
The Framework Manager application records all the actions you do that
modify the metadata model. These actions are recorded in action logs.
Action logs are XML files that you can re-use and re-run in the Framework
Manager application. You can use these Framework Manager action logs as
examples to help you create your own action logs for the SDK.
Friday, July 10, 2009
cognos sdk 开发手记
enterprise-scale reporting, analysis, scorecarding, and event notification.
The Cognos 8 architecture is based on a typical three-tiered Web
architecture that consists of
*a Web server
The Cognos 8 Web server tier contains one or more Cognos 8 gateways.
The Cognos 8 applications tier contains one or more Cognos 8 servers. A
Cognos 8 server runs requests, such as reports, analyses, and queries,
that are forwarded by a gateway.
The Cognos 8 data tier consists of the content store, data sources, and
the metric store.
Service-Oriented Architecture
Developers can use a collection of cross-platform Web services, libraries,
and programming interfaces provided with the SDK API to access the full
functionality of Framework Manager. You can use the Framework Manager SDK
to model metadata and publish packages without the use of the Framework
Manager application.
Script Player is a command line utility that runs previously created
action logs to create or modify models, or to publish packages for report
authors. Script Player can run an entire action log or only the part that
is required for a specific task.
Virtually everything you can do with the Cognos 8 graphical user
interface, you can do using the appropriate API, XML file, or command line
You can manage authorization in Cognos 8 in the following ways:
You can modify users, groups, and roles as defined by your authentication
provider or in Cognos 8. You cannot create users in Cognos 8.
You can control access to objects in the content store, such as folders,
reports, data sources, and configuration objects through the use of
You can grant capabilities to users, groups, and roles to control access
to specific functionality in Cognos 8.
You can assign access permissions to certain profiles, limiting Report
Studio functionality to specific users, groups, and roles. For more
information about managing profiles,
Running an Object Using the Schedule
The URLs provide a quick and efficient way to start Cognos 8 components
and open specified content, such as reports, metrics, folders, or pages.
You can use the URLs to
start Cognos 8 components
access a Cognos Connection page
You create an extended application by using the CreateURI, URIParameter,
Cognos8Connect, and EncodeNamespace tags in a JSP document.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
搬家 >_<
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
年少的时候会幻想有种种途径来让自己与天地同寿,终究还是从幻梦中醒过来, 人难免还是要有湮灭的时候,所以就会不再想人生应该如何延长,而是开始想人生如何有意义,然后开始想人生是有意义的么?如果有,那么这个终极意义是什么呢?这是一个被所有有过思想的人所思考过的问题.没有答案,即使有,一个人常常只能被自己的答案所说服.我能找到自己的答案吗?
所以会听到莫文蔚在真的吗里面唱I miss you I miss you I miss baby everyday,...I love you I love you I love you baby everyday的时候,真的是眼泪都要流下来了.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Visited the First Auto Work@china
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
装好后首先 将用户加到sudoers里面,然后就 yum update了。